Alberta Cannabis Micro Licence Association
The Alberta Cannabis Micro Licence Association exists to provide a voice for small cannabis producers in Alberta.

Alberta Cannabis Micro Licence Association
Our Mission
The Alberta Cannabis Micro Licence Association exists to provide a voice for small cannabis producers in Alberta. We are a collective of cannabis micro licence holders, applicants, ancillary service providers and supporters. We educate, collaborate and work with all levels of government to support the growth of our industry.
The ACMLA brings together professionals and participants in the cultivation field of the cannabis sector. Our event series focuses on fundamental knowledge needed to succeed in this challenging and regulated industry. We focus on bringing information that saves you money and mistakes.

Bringing Clarity
Helping to bring clarity to best practices in the industry

Complying with regulations more effectively, saving stress, time and costly missteps

Create Change
Becoming one voice to better communicate, collaborate, and create change

Improving efficiencies and quality control to mitigate and avoid expensive product recalls

Improving communication with Health Canada and other governing bodies

Opportunities to connect with cannabis cultivation professionals across Alberta and Canada

Creating and sharing opportunities to exchange experiences and best practices

Being a part of a network of like-minded individuals in the cannabis industry
Our Core Values
Grow the Alberta craft cannabis industry through policy enticements.
Farm Gate
Promote low-cost sales channels for micro licence holders
Reduce Barriers
Make it easier for Albertans to enter the craft cannabis industry

Resource Sharing
Help members reduce costs by sharing resources and best practices
Cannabis Tourism
Promote cannabis tourism as a unique economic opportunity for Alberta
Help battle the stigma against cannabis through evidence-based education